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Newborns and Littles

All of our rooms are grouped together by developmental stages. This ensures kids are learning at their level, and are around kids that can play at their speed.

Teenies and Waddler Rooms

The Teenies Room, our cozy classroom for the newborns, is hosted by Ms. Ginny. They are the perfect caregivers for your baby. On top of Ms. Ginny’s bachelor’s degree, she has over 40 years experience with little ones, and infants are her specialty. Ms. Ginny always works with parents to help them feel comfortable, as well as carry out special requests. Our Teenies Room has warm, ambient lighting with plenty of toys waiting for tummy time!


As babies begin to grow, they will move to rooms with other movers and shakers. The Waddler Room is for those graduating from the Teenies Room. In this room, they can crawl, explore, and have more awake time, as well as do arts and crafts. The Waddler Room is hosted by Ms. Michelle, who has her Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education.​


Toddler and Tadpole Rooms​​​

The Toddler Room is a really fun room, led by Ms. Rebecca. Around 15 months old, children move up to this classroom. They start learning about sharing, sign language, and reading books. They also get lots of play time with their friends, both outside and inside. Individual personalities and friendships really blossom in the

Toddler Room’s environment!


Our Tadpoles Room is for children that are transitioning from baby to toddler. Ms. Amanda is the lead teacher of this fun group! In this room, your little one will do all sorts of fun activities. From touching different textures, viewing things from nature, and go outside to play and explore. They also start potty training in this room as well as learn sign language!



Tykes Room

Our Tykes are a fun and energetic group! Tykes are between the ages of 2 and 3 years old. They learn so much in this room before they move on to Pre-K. Topics include shapes, colors, manners, and feelings. They also have their own bathroom for potty training. Ms. Sam is their lead teacher. 


Sometimes the smallest things take up the most space in our heart.

- Winnie the Pooh

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